the user-led self-injury organisation.

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Autumn Hits are Down

As you know, some time ago we changed our name from ‘LifeSIGNS’ to FirstSigns and changed our web address to match. Obviously this has an impact on how people find us, link to us and how many people visit our site. Google has to re-find our FirstSigns website and re-index us and decide where to […]

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Mindful Training

On Wednesday I travelled to the Peterborough area to meet with people at Mind who run a drop-in and support centre. It was great to hear their thoughts and experiences around the subject of self-injury, and I hope our training package was of some help to them in their work. FirstSigns travels all over the […]

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Fun N Games on our Message Board

Our Message Board, as always, offers a safe, friendly, supportive and inspiring community. We discuss our lives, our emotions and the distress that leads to our self-injury and self-harm, as well as discussing ways in which we can move away from self-injury and seek happier, healthier lives. We also have some fun! The summer months […]

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New beginnings

Is it next week that everyone starts returning to school / college/ uni? It’s been a good few years since I left school so I lose track, but I’m still drawn to all the lovely stationery around in the shops at this time in readiness for the new academic year! For me, going back to […]

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Making the most of summer

I’ve noticed these last few evenings that it’s getting darker earlier. That should come as no surprise, it happens every year after all, but it did make me a little sad. All too soon it will be dark by 4.30pm and those of us working 9 ’til 5 will barely see sunlight until the weekends! […]

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Thank you

I want to thank you for reading our blog and visiting our self-harm awareness website. It means a lot to me, to have engaged and interested visitors. It means a lot to Jules and me when we hear back from members or visitors who tell us that our stories, articles and information has affected them, […]

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