Summer meet-ups and a thank you.
Last Saturday Wedge and I were in London for our second summer meet-up, and as with Birmingham earlier in the year it was fantastic to meet some of you in real life and enjoy a drink and a chat.
We understand only too well how daunting travel and meeting new people can be, and we’d like to thank everyone who attended either Birmingham or London for making such an effort and in the case of some of you, for conquering your fears in order to meet us.
As you all know, FirstSigns has been going through a lot of changes this year and it’s not been an easy time for us, but we’re reaching out and growing as an organisation in ways that we never have before, and the next twelve months will be an exciting time for all of us.
By next year we should have the time and resources necessary to be able to arrange meet-ups in more locations, especially further north, so thank you also to everyone who has been unable to attend this year but has been patient and understanding of our difficulties.
Our members are of utmost importance, both to Wedge and I as the people who direct FirstSigns and to the Organisation as a whole. So, to everyone out there who supports us in any way, even it’s just by reading our blog, thank you.
Wedge and Jules
September 6, 2008Jules and Wedge,
I totally agree – we / I should be thanking you both. All of you actually at firstsigns and on the msg board are truely amazing. Your unselfish sharing of time and resources has enabled me to try moving away from si and look to the future.
dragonfly x
September 6, 2008Jules and Wedge,
I totally agree – we, I should be thanking YOU. You are two amazing and gereous people who have made such a HUGE difference to the daily lives of people like myself who are struggling to move away from si and lead ‘happy’ and ‘normal’ lives.
August 21, 2008Jules and Wedge
It should be us thanking you for organising the meetups and your efforts in making those of us that were there welcome.
Your hard work for Firstsigns was was made more obvious to me and I am grateful for all the help you have given me.