the user-led self-injury organisation.

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What’s in a name?

Have you ever wondered where the name LifeSIGNS came from, or why the ‘SIGNS’ part is always in capital letters? Well, it was Wedge who named LifeSIGNS when he created the organisation itself six years ago, and here’s how: When Wedge first decided to launch a self-injury awareness organisation back in 2002, he was keen […]

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SANEline change their phone times

SANE is a national mental health charity which aims to raise awareness of mental illness and campaign to improve services and initiate and fund research into the causes of serious mental illness through its research centre. Information and emotional support is also provided to anyone affected by mental illness via the helpline, SANEline and by […]

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Training in Liverpool

I’m supposed to be blogging to tell you that I’ve just been to Liverpool to train some counsellors and nurses, but having seen a little more of Liverpool I have to exclaim about the city and the people! I saw so many grand stone buildings, and so many new buildings being built – the streets […]

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Research Request

Caroline, a trainee phsychologist studying for a Doctorate in Counselling Psychology at City University in London has asked for volunteers to participate in a face-to-face interview with people who self-injure. She is particularly interested in exploring how people talk about and understand self-injury (including both people who self-harm and health professionals working in this area), […]

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Free Theatre Tickets

We have tickets to give away to a new play, that focuses in a young girl who self-harms. The Solas Theatre Company is performing at The Pleasance Theatre in Islington, and we’ve got tickets for you and a friend / loved one for opening night on Tuesday 10th of June (7:45pm) – all you have […]

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BBC Sunday Life Request

The BBC is creating a ‘magazine tv series’ called Sunday Life, due to start next month. Although the show will have faith and ethics at its heart, it will be topical and, most importantly, driven by compelling human stories. On Sunday 20th April they will be focusing on suicide and Anna would like to hear […]

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Anger is a valid emotion, and something we can use to help us direct our energies – but it’s also the cause of a great deal of stress and it can sometimes seem to control us. The Mental Health Foundation have launched a little website to tackle anger management, and you may well enjoy going […]

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