the user-led self-injury organisation.

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Happy 6th Birthday LifeSIGNS!

As you know, this month LifeSIGNS celebrates its 6th Birthday; how much do you know about our little organisation?

I remember LifeSIGNS back in the early days when I was a member of the first Message Board. I can’t remember my username back then, but I do remember the name Wedge! Of course I never knew at the time that one day I would be working alongside the man himself, but even from the beginning I knew that LifeSIGNS was something special, and it’s certainly had a huge impact on my life.

I’d spent so many years struggling with my own self-injury, but I was in a silent and lonely world where I didn’t even know the words self-injury existed. It wasn’t until I discovered LifeSIGNS that I realised I wasn’t alone, I wasn’t the only person hurting themselves, and there was help and support out there. Because of LifeSIGNS I felt empowered to face up to my own self-injury, ‘come out‘ to my loved ones and seek support. So you see, I am living proof that not only has LifeSIGNS been in existence for 6 years now, but it has been helping people all that time too. Literally tens of thousands of people.

I’ve not been a constant at LifeSIGNS for all these six years. I’ve left and re-joined three or four times over the years. But I always felt myself drawn back, whether it was for some extra support, some ideas for distraction techniques or simply because it was somewhere I always felt I belonged and would be welcomed. The one reassuring factor each time I returned was the presence of Wedge. LifeSIGNS has changed so much over the years, but Wedge has always been here, and that in itself makes it all the more special.

The last time I rejoined two years ago, it was for a specific purpose, and that was to finally give something back to Wedge and his organisation that had done so much for me. It took me a while to persuade him that I wanted to help, but I was so proud when I first accompanied Wedge to a conference last year as a Director of LifeSIGNS and heard him speak, and I’m both proud and honoured to be here now working alongside him for LifeSIGNS as we celebrate our Sixth Birthday.

Thank you LifeSIGNS and, more importantly, thank you Wedge – for without you the LifeSIGNS we all know and love today would not exist.

Please do join us for our 6th Birthday Facebook Event – you don’t have to go anywhere or do anything – it’s just a show of support.

Happy 6th Birthday and I hope I’m here to celebrate the next six too!

1 Comment

  • Anonymous

    Wedge you’ve done so much for your LifeSIGNS and self-injury awareness over the years and it’s important that everyone remembers that you and LifeSIGNS are one and the same. As Jules said, I too remember the name Wedge from the very first time I found LifeSIGNS and you’ve been an inspiration over the years. I think it’s remarkable everything that you’ve achieved. Jules I remember you too from way back when and even then your dedication to self-injury awareness and your selfless care for other people impressed me, so it’s great to see you now as a director of the organisation you’ve loved for so long. LifeSIGNS couldn’t be run by two more dedicated and professional people and you should both be proud as you celebrate your 6th Birthday. CP


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