We are changing our name and address
We are in the process of changing our name to LifeSIGNS and so our web address will match to become www.lifesigns.org.uk – you can try it now.
LifeSIGNS is the name I chose for our voluntary organisation back in 2002, and now that we approach our tenth birthday, it’s a great time to revert to our original name.
LifeSIGNS suits us really well, as while we are a self-injury awareness organisation, we have a positive outlook and believe everyone can make choices for a healthier and happier life. LifeSIGNS is also made up of the acronym ‘SIGNS‘ which stands for ‘Self-Injury Guidance & Network Support‘ which is what we offer. We don’t advise people, we offer guidance and a network of people offering support via our website and online services.
Lots has changed in the ten years since we started talking about self-injury and self-harm in the UK; larger organisations have touched on SI, local groups are available and new websites have popped up. There’s a wealth of information available online now, which wasn’t the case for the UK in the early years of this century. We believe it’s important for people to hear from professionals who know something about the recovery path, but we absolutely believe it’s crucial to give people with direct experience of SI a voice, and our website is completely written and produced by people with such experience.
We welcome contributions from people who feel trapped within SI, who are fighting the Urge and who are recovering and moving away from self-injurious behaviours. We don’t pretend to speak on behalf of anyone, but we hope that people living with self-harm can recognise themselves in our website, and can make use of the guidance and ideas we provide.
LifeSIGNS couldn’t exist without you – we are unfunded and run by volunteers – we do everything we do for you, because we know self-injury from the inside.
Ways we can help you
- Consider what self-injury and self-harm are
- Learn new ways of looking at your distress
- Try new ideas for reducing your self-injury
- Help parents, teachers and friends understand
- Get online support from our support forum community
- In SI emergencies, Read This First Before You Hurt