The FirstSigns Positive Diary Project
Tumblr is a great mini-blog platform for self-expression, and ‘following’ other interesting people.
At FirstSigns, we believe that self-expression is crucial in the journey towards health and happiness.
We’d like to invite 5 (or 6) people to start a ‘self-expression on the road to happiness’ Tumblr blog with FirstSigns, and benefit from the support and visits of all our members and web visitors.
We would especially like to hear from people in the UK and men and boys (just because we have lots of girls and women applying already, and lots of people applying from America, which is great).
- We’ll give you an official, custom address (e.g.;
- It will be totally and completely your Tumblr blog;
- We’ll link to your Tumblr from our home page, so you’ll get loads of visitors;
- Tumblr provides loads of great themes to personalise your ‘look’;
- Tumblr works on smartphones too, so you’ll get even more visitors;
- We’ll ‘reblog’ your most interesting posts, so you’ll get even more visitors.
The project will run for a minimum of six months, and of course you’re welcome to keep your Tumblr blog afterwards – it is completely your blog.
We encourage you to ‘follow’ other Tumblr users, including us, and ‘reblog’ people’s interesting photos and articles. We also encourage you to write a little about your day and what you’re doing to seek health and happiness every day. We don’t expect to see triggering posts or photographs of SI.
Please email with your details.