FirstSigns Calendar – we need your help!
We are busy planning for Self Injury Awareness Day on 1st March 2010, and we have loads of great ideas that will help make SIAD 2010 our best ever.
One of these is to produce a FirstSigns calendar, and we thought it would be great if some our members could get involved and help us with the pictures. So, we’d like to invite you to submit pictures of your artwork or photographs for possible inclusion in the calendar, our books and on our website.
Don’t worry if you’re not artistic; we’re not looking for perfection here. All we ask is that your pictures are positive and / or inspiring; after all, they’ll be viewed for a whole month in people’s homes and offices!
If you’re not into art or drawing, then maybe you’d like to take a photograph of something that makes you smile or that inspires you. It could be a tree, a favourite view, or even a pet! If you’re over 18 you are welcome to include yourself in the picture if you wish, but we are unable to publish pictures involving other people.
Please email you pictures or images to and include the name you would like your picture published under (either your first name or a nickname) and one short sentence describing what the picture is.
Please ensure you send us the largest image your camera is able to take, as the ‘image quality’ needs to be high. This means the file you attach to your email will be quite large, so don’t be surprised if it takes a couple of minutes to send.
We’ve got some great pics already submitted to our Confessions / Expressions wall, and you’re welcome to upload your artwork there still – right now we’re asking for your artwork and photographs to be emailed in.
Many thanks and we look forward to hearing from you.
Wedge and Jules
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