the user-led self-injury organisation.

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Telegraph | Health | ‘Seroxat has been miraculous’ Drug therapies can give a person the time and space needed to come to terms with their emotions and behaviours, all decisions concerning drug therapies should be made with your Doctor.

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Daughter Cuts Herself, And Mom Feels the Pain ( Well, here’s the sort of journalistic dross that claims to understand si but doesn’t. Still, the fear and frustration a parent may feel on discovering their child self injures is something to consider.

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When Scab-Picking, Cutting Becomes Addictive Many people question themselves about whether picking is really self injury. LifeSIGNS believes that any form of harm that is used to releive feelings of distress may be considered SI, see our What SI is page on the main site [LifeSIGNS Site].

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Telegraph | Health | ‘Seroxat has been miraculous’ Drug therapies can give a person the time and space needed to come to terms with their emotions and behaviours, all decisions concerning drug therapies should be made with your Doctor.

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Daughter Cuts Herself, And Mom Feels the Pain ( Well, here’s the sort of journalistic dross that claims to understand si but doesn’t. Still, the fear and frustration a parent may feel on discovering their child self injures is something to consider.

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When Scab-Picking, Cutting Becomes Addictive Many people question themselves about whether picking is really self injury. LifeSIGNS believes that any form of harm that is used to releive feelings of distress may be considered SI, see our What SI is page on the main site [LifeSIGNS Site].

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