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Freshers Event at West Suffolk College

I attended the freshers event at this college today, set up a stall featuring LifeSIGNS leaflets, posters and copies of some old newsletters. We received a fair bit of attention, however I have the feeling that was more down to the bright orange wristbands than the subject matter! This was the first event of its type that we have participated in and I think the experience has taught me a few things, the first being that if we really want to attract any attention from students, be they the 16-19 group I saw today or university level, we have to give stuff away for free! I found myself spending half the day making Flapping Origami Birds with a hand-endorsed LifeSIGNS – SI Awareness message just to compete with the lollipops, pens and fresh fruit on sticks from stalls further down the corridor.

I know that our presence there reached a good few people. There was one girl I noticed sidling up to the stall and seeming to memorize the website address rather than take a leaflet. Another had read the front of the leaflet then murmured “I’ve done that” in a surprised way, then dashed off, reminding me of the first time I realised that other people were doing what I did. One group hung around my table for ages, reading the newsletters and chatting and slowly it emerged that one of them self-harmed but it appeared to be the first time she had mentioned it to those around her. She later brought another friend back to pick up a leaflet and wristband.

On the other side of things I had a couple of people make comments that it was something they did oh three years ago and gave it up because its stupid. I did well to maintain my aura of serenity I think ;)

If we do another event like this in the future – and I think its a good way to raise awareness both of SI and LifeSIGNS itself – I think we need more fun free stuff, whether that is postcards, bumperstickers, mugs or magnets, maybe LifeSIGNS endorsed plasters or antiseptic cream? Perhaps not the last two! There wasn’t as much uptake of the leaflets as we would want, but students probably aren’t up for picking up info heavy leaflets at a freshers fayre.

It was a nice enough day though and there are at least 35 more people wandering around in Suffolk day wearing bright orange wristbands today!


  • Pickle

    I think going to freshers fayres is a great idea!

    I agree about the free stuff. All students love free stuff. Chocolate and sweets are clear winners, but pens and stuff come in handy.

    The LGB Association at my old uni used to give our Rainbow Tape at Freshers Fayre, maybe we should give out Oranage tape!

  • Wedge

    Great stuff Sarah, well done to you for organising everything.

    Will be great to bring together an “Event Pack@ for Directors who promote LifeSIGNS – I can’t wait to see the LifeSIGNS Posters your had printed! And we should have a LifeSIGNS banner one day!

  • Anonymous

    sounds like a really good day for awareness

    my freshers fayre was 2 days ago, and I would have loved to see something other than the armed forces having stands and popular stands

    Mary – badges sound like a good idea, I love picking them up =D

  • Mary

    That is really promising to hear Sarah. Thank you for doing this.

    I know what you mean about the free stuff – that’s why we need to be fundraising, so we can have free stuff to give out!!!

    On a personal level I love free things, and can never have enough fridge magnets! It’s a case of really thinking about what we have – lots of things do just end up in the bin.
    Perhaps badges are an idea (I was vaguely looking into this a while back) – these can be produced relatively cheaply, and they seem to be a popular thing at the moment – people putting them on bags etc.


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