the user-led self-injury organisation.

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  • staralfur

    i think this is a fantastic idea.

    i have never had to receive medical treatment for my si, but if i did i would like to be able to go to my gp rather than the a&e. i don’t like hospitals as it is, but having to go for that reason would make it even worse. i think just the comfort from a gp surgery is far greater than an a&e.

    saying that, i have an excellent and very understanding gp. while i agree that people cannot truely understand unless they have been there themselves, i do believe that nurses/gps etc… can be trained to be non-judgemental.

    even if they personally fail to understand why someone would chose to hurt themselves, professionally they can carry out any treatment needed with compassion and the appropriate care.

  • Em

    To be honest, I don’t know if the nurses who are trained can be non-judgemental in their treatment of those who self-harm. They can try and understand reasons behind, but I wonder if there will still be hidden judgemental feelings if they haven’t experienced self-harm for themselves.

    Also, so many people start self-harming before they are sixteen years old. Therefore, I think it would be better for this kind of treatment to be available for people of a much younger age. That way, people won’t feel a lack of understanding from health professionals and are less likely to harm because they have been treated in a negative way.



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