the user-led self-injury organisation.

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Well, Wedge and I spent a very productive and exciting day in London on Monday – with a few too many hour(s) spent wandering the streets going East when we wanted to go West!!!!

We were invited to the latest Samaritans Symposium at the London Royal College of Physicians, held to launch a new Strategy and Direction as their 50th Anniversary approaches. Whilst maintaining all current services and visions the Samaritans are developing upon their success and – to meet with demand and make use of their extensive experience in this area – are branching into Emotional Health – as well as befriending the suicidal.

The strategy aims to bring greater Emotional Health awareness (and therefore wellbeing) to all areas of life, beginning with Pilots in selected settings – for example secondary schools, rural communities, prisons and the workplace – before branching out to other communities and contexts.

In order to achieve the most success possible with this huge Ambition the Samaritans are hoping to work in partnership with many different organisations and charities linked to Emotional and Mental Health. Many of these potential partners were represented at the Symposium, providing a great opportunity for some LifeSIGNS networking, promotion and raising awareness of the SIA Booklet – we even sold a few copies! (Have you got yours yet?)

Of course, we have offered any help that we can and as a result have been invited along to the initial Progression Meetings where some plans for implementation of the Samaritans Strategy and Idea Brainstorming will take place.

This is a very exciting prospect and both Wedge and I felt renewed enthusiasm for our voluntary work through being witness to the proposal of these plans. We both asked some insightful questions and were encouraged by the Samaritans plans to incorporate Self Harm into the awareness project. As an organisation LifeSIGNS is suporting this initiative and the benefits it can bring to Emotional Health Awareness, and look forward to keeping you posted on any involvement we have.

Keep your eyes peeled…..

Further information on the Samaritans new strategy can be viewed at their website:

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