the user-led self-injury organisation.

  • UK
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Help support and lead our small charity

LifeSIGNS has thousands and thousands of members across the UK and the world. Through our mailing list and social networks we’re in direct contact with our members and visitors like you, and we appreciate the ideas and support you provide.

Everything we do is for our members and visitors, and we often ask for ideas and guidance about our awareness projects.

We also have a more ‘formal’ group of members to directly influence the management committee and strategies of LifeSIGNS, and we call this formal group the Voting Members.

Voting Members

Our Voting Members are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting (and other formal meetings) and vote on important policies and awareness / organisational strategies and changes. Updates and invitations are sent via email, and some of our decisions can be discussed and voted for online.

Voting Members must be 18 years old or over and resident in the UK.

Join as a Voting Member now

Multiple faces graphicJoin using our online form and pay the annual membership fee of £25 using PayPal or your debit card. You will be asked to pay after you press the ‘submit’ button on the form below.

As an unfunded, national charitable organisation, your membership helps us to directly raise awareness about self-injury and keeps LifeSIGNS online and working.

Nobody is paid to work at LifeSIGNS, we are all volunteers. We can’t do what we do without you!

Note; whole organisations can become a Voting Member of LifeSIGNS; interested organisations should email for details.

If you have any trouble joining, please email and we’ll sign you up manually!

This is a secure form, and your information will be protected and retained in compliance with the Date Protection Act.


LifeSIGNS (Self-Injury Guidance & Network Support) is an online, user-led voluntary organisation, founded in 2002 to raise awareness about self-injury and provide information and support to people of all ages affected by self-injury. We recognise self-injury is a way of coping with distressing experiences and difficult emotions, and we encourage people to reflect on the issues behind their self-injury, and to develop and explore alternative coping mechanisms.
LifeSIGNS is managed and led by people with personal experience of self-injury, and we are non-judgemental, non-directional, and respectful of our members’ and visitors’ life experiences and perceptions. The LifeSIGNS website is the centre of our vibrant community, and provides access to all of our services, including our newsletter, book and

LifeSIGNS (Self Injury Guidance & Network Support) is a UK user-led voluntary organisation. We are an organisation, run by the Directors who make up the Management Committee and volunteer their time to maintain and run our organisation.

We aim to support all people who are affected in anyway by self injury within the United Kingdom and beyond. We support people using self injury, and family and friends of people who self injure, and people (including Health Care Workers) who are interested in self injury.

We focus on the UK, as we are aware of the laws and medical practices in the UK, but we are happy for people outside of the UK to interact with LifeSIGNS.

LifeSIGNS is membership based, which means that if you sign up for the Newsletter you are classed as a member. (Membership and the Newsletters are free.)

No one has to be a member to benefit from LifeSIGNS, we offer our services to everyone.

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