The purpose of our refreshed Support Forum
Earlier this week we launched our shiny new Support Forum. Our tired old message board had been closed for month while we talked about how we can best support our members in a fast and modern manner.
The way people interact on the Internet has changed over the years, and we wanted to ensure our supportive community was in desperate need of updating.
Our refreshed Support Forum is simple to use, and designed to provide members with a place to talk about their emotional distress in a safe, friendly and non-judgemental environment. We aim to provide people with relevant guidance and support as they work through their distress and hopefully seek healthier coping mechanisms.
The purpose of our sleek and streamlined forum is to enable a fresh and current atmosphere with a faster response time.
The LifeSigns Support Forum is for the discussion of the emotional distress and the surrounding issues that can lead to self-injury, and ideas and support in moving away from self-injury. It’s also a place to ask questions about self-injury and surrounding relevant subjects.
We also encourage lighter discussions and fun topics, which can be a great distraction and lift the mood. Life can be terribly difficult, but the smallest things can create a smile. So we like to share the fun stuff too :)
Some people find change difficult, and it might feel a little alien to begin with, but in time we hope our community will enjoy the benefits that our refreshed Support Forum has enabled, and soon feel at home.
So log in to the Support Forum or join now, and come join in the discussions and see what it’s all about.