Poll results – your fave social networks
Thank you to everyone who took part in our social networks poll. Wedge created this poll to discover which are your favourite social networks, which ones you don’t care much about and which ones you think you’ll be using more over the coming year.
The results show that:
- 65% of you love Facebook, with Twitter and then Tumblr coming second and third.
- The vast majority of people say they can live without Bebo and MySpace.
- Most people think that Twitter and Tumblr are working hard to be awesome and will be ‘great’ in 2012.
This is great for us to know. It’s important to us that we make it easy for you to interact with us – that we’re where you’d like us to be – and the results show that we’re getting it right :)
Thanks again for your help and we look forward to seeing you on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr during 2012.