LifeSIGNS and our support forum
LifeSIGNS is an organisation that focuses on awareness and education about self-injury and helps those both who struggle with this, their parents/ caregivers and also professionals. We also have an online community support forum that is passionate about supporting and encouraging those who are struggling with self-injury.
I am a young woman in my mid twenties and I have learnt over the years that self-injury isn’t something that everyone accepts or understands. At times this made me feel very alone, ashamed, bad and like a horrible person. Why should a behaviour that helps to get you through a day make a person feel this way though?
I am a very shy person. I struggle to talk to professionals and even friends at times. And before joining LifeSIGNS I felt like no one understood me or what I was going through. I did not understand why I self-injured. I couldn’t comprehend how so suddenly I could go from feeling ‘semi-ok’ to suddenly having so much anger and frustration inside me. I struggled and felt ashamed about speaking up to get myself help. I didn’t understand how knowing the reasons behind a persons self-injury, could some day help a person from parting from this behaviour once and for all!
LifeSIGNS has a safe, anonymous online community support forum. No one will know who you really are or if you post.. In my recovery journey I have found this extremely helpful! And more so because sometimes people just want to vent, know that they are not alone. Peer support is so important in one’s recovery and especially because professionals are not always available. Sometimes it’s just nice to just chat to another person who is going through similar things, to talk about distraction techniques, feelings, or just off loading about your day!
Our community support forum is laid back and easy going. Everyone is welcome, and our members are always pleased and encouraging of you joining in, no matter what your story or background is.
Every day we learn. Every day is new. Registering and logging on to LifeSIGNS and becoming a part of our support forum may inspire you to try something new, learn more about yourself, it may even help another person to better understand themselves and cope better!
Recovery is possible for everyone. It’s OK to feel like things are too hard, that life is too hard to fight. But it is also OK to think that maybe things will get better, and that is where LifeSIGNS comes in. Whatever stage of your recovery you are at; if you are wanting to talk, wanting support, thinking about change… there is someone that will listen to you. You are not alone!