Donate £5 to receive a magnet in May
As I’m sure you’re already aware, LifeSIGNS is a user-led organisation, running on a tiny budget. By a tiny budget, I mean that we survive solely on donations from our kind and generous supporters. Our overheads are constant, and are actually not so tiny. We simply wouldn’t be able to carry on without your help, let alone continue to grow and expand our reach and resources.
We are incredibly lucky to have so many supporters who are kind enough to donate money to us, and so we have decided that during the month of May we will thank each person who donates £5 or more by sending them one of our shiny new magnets.
These magnets have been designed by our Wedge, and they have our brand new image and motto on them.
To get your hands on a magnet, simply donate £5 or more during May. When your donation is received, we will email you within 24 hours to request your postal address, which will only be used for sending your gift and then deleted.
So if you can possibly spare a fiver this month, please consider donating it to us. You’ll not only receive a stunning decoration for your fridge(!) but you’ll be helping LifeSIGNS a great deal too.
Whether you can manage £5 this month or not, thank you to each and every one of you who has ever donated to us. Every pound makes a real difference in our mission to raise awareness about self-injury and to provide resources, help and support for anyone affected.