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Book writing week

After several months discussing our plans and ideas for a book for FirstSigns, the actual writing of it has finally arrived! This week Wedge and I will be working together and writing several thousand words a day, so that we can publish the book in time for SIAD 2010.

As with many things it’s the ‘getting going’ that’s the hardest step, and on this early Tuesday morning it feels quite daunting, with a huge word count ahead of us. But it’s exciting too. It’s also nice to be working closely with Wedge in real life for the week, as the majority of our work is usually done via communicating over the internet or on the phone (no, we don’t have swanky offices in London !)

Anyway, it’s time to get going now and write those first few words. We’ll be keeping you up-to-date with our progress via our blog, Twitter and AudioBoo, and any encouragement along the way would be greatly appreciated, so please do leave us comments and we’ll be back with a progress report later :)

You can listen to our mini-podcast below!



  • Jules

    I want to thank Wedge for taking precious holiday days from his ‘real’ job in order to write this book with me for FirstSigns. There aren’t many people who are passionate enough about something that they’re willing to work incredibly hard during what could have instead been a proper holiday! We’re very proud of what we achieved last week and it was a lovely treat to be able to work in real life with Wedge on this project. Thank you Wedge.

  • Andy

    Its fantastic just knowing that you are writing this book – your both an inspiration.


  • Jules

    Thank you Andy, and thank you to everyone who has been messaging us on Twitter. Wedge and I have been working really hard this week and we’ve written thousands of words so far. We’ve still got over a day of intense writing to go, but we’re beginning to see the finish line now and it’s exciting to think that our book will be published in time for SIAD.

  • Wedge

    Thanks Andy, and all the best with your mammoth task!

    We really appreciate all the support from our members and friends (thank you Twitter!) as it really is a hard slog. We’re only writing a short book, but it isn’t *that* short and we’ve got hundreds of pages to get written. We’re over half way right now and we know we can tidy it up and complete it in the coming weeks, but it’s the core content we must get done this week. So we’re driving ourselves to write for something like 7 hours each day, non-stop almost.

    We’ll publish the book to buy in February – it should be a decent looking book that will be great to flick though, and of course will offer it to all our members as a free download – we believe great information should be free for people who need it!

    You can follow our progress at

  • Andy

    Wedge what you said on the Radio 2 slot was great – you spoke for the majority and not the minority who fall into the nurses care.

    Jules and Wedge
    I am going to start writing up my research very soon and am excited about doing this 100,000 words aaaaahhh! So I am in touch with your task and would say once started – which you have- don’t stop until you’ve finished because what you have to write is so so very very important.

    All my very best wishes to you both – in your book writing task and enjoy the experience.



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